2013年8月8日 星期四

201209生態馬賽克--農村生態串聯 鄭凱蔚

201209生態馬賽克--農村生態串聯 鄭凱蔚

 Earthquakes and tsunamis let us see the horrors of nature’s counterattacks. Food shortage, water wars and and energy crisis let us know that there are limits in natural resources. “Eco-service” and “Satoyama Initiative” are the global efforts to make things different, and actions are taken to change our ideas about planning. 

 “Productivity” and “Living” have been emphasized in the planning of rural areas, but ecology had been ignored. Although life in farming villages is less convenient compared to life in cities, the irreplaceable advantage of rural areas is the great assets in landscapes. Like a stage, landscapes present ecology, and things without roles will be left behind. How do we value the natural ecology at our hometowns? How can we persuade the five million people turning sixty-five years old to consider moving back to countrysides?

 “Eco-service” is a developing perspective of ecology. In the past, urban planning tended to take rural areas as the backdrops of cities. Unfortunately, the unrestrained urban sprawl destroyed their backdrops. “Eco-service” is to reverse it by leaving the lands between cities and countrysides to nature. It requires the planning to set up an index in accordance with the ecological conditions and recover the lands with eco-engineering.

也就是說我們從生態系統所獲取的是有價值的,因此透過規劃設計,重新定義了農村地景的規劃策略,例如配置的服務(如糧食與水)、調節的服務(如洪水與疾病控制)、人文的服務(如娛樂與文化保存)、支持的服務(如養分循環)等。在因應氣候變遷挑戰更加需要反省過去的都市發展的軌跡,面對今天農村發展的處境,重新設定農村地域的生態系統服務的價值指標,作為國土規劃的永續之道。 Everything we can get from the environment has its value. In this project we redefined the scopes of rural planning and included services of distribution(food and water), control(flood and diseases), humanities(culture preservation and leisure), and supports(soil nutrition). Climate change drives us to reflect on the history of urban development and the situation of farming villages. Resetting the environmental indexes and values through eco-service will be the beginning of making sustainable land policies.

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